Micro-Teach - Requirements and Guidance

Guidance for ATC Training students completing the Level 3 Award in Education and Training or other Train the Trainer courses that include a practical teaching element. 

1. Choose the format of your Micro-Teach:

Online Session
Traditional face-to-face Session
safety training, emergency response training, first aid training-6859239.jpg
Practical Training Session

2. Choose how to complete the Micro-Teach:

If you need a solution to achieve the practical element of your qualification, we have three options to complete the micro-teach.

Option 1

Attend an online Micro-Teach session

Join other ATC Training students online to complete your micro-teach session together.

Typically 3 – 6 people, delivering 15 mins each and observed live by an ATC Training tutor.

Option 2

Arrange your own Micro-Teach session

Use colleagues, friends or family and arrange your own session at home, work or online. 

Deliver to at least 3 people, for 15-60 mins and send the recording to your Tutor.

Option 3

Use a real workplace session

Already teaching or training people? Use a real session as evidence. 

Send us a recording or have a qualified person in the workplace carry out your observation.

3. Prepare your Session

We recommend that you follow these steps when planning and delivering your micro-teach or workplace session:

You should plan to deliver the session to at least 3 people, excluding your tutor or observer. This allows the observer to see how you manage and engage with a group.  

You can choose any topic. Learners often choose a subject linked to a hobby or interest, rather than work. Choose a simple topic that can be taught and assessed within the 15-minute time slot. Keep it simple. Examples include:

  • How to make a paper aeroplane
  • Folding the perfect napkin
  • Making a cocktail
  • Using the Phonetic Alphabet

It sounds obvious, but you must teach people something during the session. What do you want the learners to do by the end of the session?

You should create at least one learning objective, you may have a few. You should communicate the learning objectives at the start of the lesson and recap them at the end.

For example:

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Fold an A4 piece of paper into a paper aeroplane.
  • Fly it at least 5 meters. 

Check out the online lesson called Learning Aims and Objectives or your workbook for guidance.

You must prepare a session plan to reflect the planned timings and activities. You can use our template or use your own format. View an example of a completed lesson plan. Upload this to the site when complete.

If you are using a real workplace session, you may use any pre-prepared session plans. If these do not exist, please prepare one to cover the session taught.

Consider how you will engage your audience. You could use more than one teaching approach to appeal to all learners. For example, you could supplement a practical demonstration with a handout. You may use PowerPoint, but it is not mandatory.

Check out the online lesson called Teaching and Learning Approaches for ideas. 

Create and/or gather your learning resources as required. You may want a handout, video, PowerPoint, Flip chart, case study, quiz etc.  The choice is yours. Ensure all learners are catered for.

Remember your learning objective. You should check it has been met. How will you assess the learning took place?

Assessment methods do not need to be formal, you could get learners to demonstrate they can do the task, use a quiz, Q&A etc.

Check out the lesson called Introduction to Assessment for ideas on different types of assessment.

4. After the Session

You must collate feedback from your learners and submit a copy as supporting evidence.

  • If you are delivering the session to other ATC Training students online or in the classroom,  use this online peer feedback form.
  • If you are delivering the session in your workplace or to your own group, use this learner feedback form to collect feedback. If your company already uses a form, you can use any existing format.  

Complete the self-evaluation survey in the online learning system after you have delivered your session. 

Video files up to 1GB can be uploaded to the Micro-Teach section of the online learning site. If your file is too big, you can send in other ways:

  • Smaller video files can be sent via WhatsApp to +447726466511.
  • Send the file(s) via www.wetransfer.com (Free for files less than 2GB).
  • Share using your own cloud storage (OneDrive, Dropbox,  Google etc.).
  • Ask your tutor for a link to a shared folder to drop in your files.

Email your tutor a copy of any resources that you have developed for use during your micro-teach session, for example:

  • Hand-outs
  • Presentations
  • Activities
  • Flip-chart – white board (take a photo if used)

Option 1 - Upcoming Dates

  • Wed 19th Feb – 1300-1500
  • Fri 28th Feb – 1000-1200
  • Tue 11th Mar – 1000-1200
  • Fri 28th Mar – 1000-1200
  • Mon 7th Apr – 1300-1500
  • Wed 16th Apr – 1000-1200
  • Wed 23rd Apr – 1000-1200
  • Fri 2nd May – 1000-1200

To book a place, please contact your tutor or email support@atctraining.co.uk.

Option 2 - Arrange your own Session

If you are not in a training or teaching role or unable to use a real session, you can deliver either in a suitable location or via Teams/Zoom to colleagues, friends etc. This should be delivered to minimum of 3 people.

If delivering face to face, record the session using a phone, iPad, GoPro etc. Ensure to gain learner permission and place the device in a corner or on a desk to capture your delivery. We do not need to see learner faces but do need to see and hear the delivery of the session. You must gain learner feedback from at least three people.

Option 3 - Use a Workplace Session

If you are already in a training or teaching role, you can use a real session. Pick a short session, or a suitable section of a larger course. The session observed should ideally last 1 hour, however a minimum of 15 mins is permitted but candidates will need to note the additional lesson plan requirement if the session lasts less than an hour.

Record the session using a phone, iPad, GoPro etc. Gain learner permission and place the device in a corner or on a desk to capture your delivery. We do not need to see learner faces but do need to see and hear the delivery of the session. You must gain learner feedback from at least three people.

Your observation may be carried out by a colleague in your workplace if they hold a recognised teaching or training qualification. They need provide a copy of their certificate, complete a declaration form and be contactable for quality assurance purposes. 

Additional Lesson Plan Requirement

Part of the qualification requirement for the Level 3 Award in Education and Training qualification is to participate in 1 hour of teaching. This in a traditional course would be achieved  by the delegate delivering a 15 min session, plus being a participant and providing peer feedback for at least three other 15 minute sessions delivered by others. 

If you arrange your session or use a real workplace session that lasts less than an hour, you are required to complete an additional lesson plan to make up the difference. For example; if your micro-teach session lasts 15 mins, create an additional 45-minute plan, or your micro-teach session lasts 30 mins, create an additional 30-minute plan, etc.

This is not required if you participate as a learner with colleagues doing their micro-teach sessions. 

The plan can be an extension of your original session, or something completely different. This is a lesson plan only, you don’t have to actually deliver it. 

Watch the video below for an explanation of this requirement.

Useful Video Guides

About the Micro-Teach

Requirement for an Additional Lesson Plan

Using PowerPoint Live on Teams

Useful Teams Features


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