Privacy Notice


This privacy notice contains important information on who we are, how and why we collect, store, use and share your personal information, your rights in relation to your personal information and how to contact us and the Information Commissioners Office in the event you have a complaint.

ATC Training Limited processes your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Company Details

  • Registered Name: ATC Training Limited
  • Registered Office: Amber Court, William Armstrong Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YA
  • ICO Registration no. ZA780195

Learning Records Service (LRS)

The information you supply may be used by the Learning Records Service (LRS). The LRS issues Unique Learner Numbers (ULN) and creates Personal Learning records across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and is operated by the Education and Skills Funding Agency, an executive agency of the Department for Education (DfE). For more information about how your information is processed, and to access your Personal Learning Record, please click here

The data we process

When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide email address. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:

  • Send you information about your account and order
  • Create your account for our LMS

If you register a free account then we will store your email address. We store information about you for as long as your account exists. We store course progress, including completion status, quiz scores, assignments and/or essay submissions (if applicable). We will also store comments on courses, lessons, topics, assignments, and essays if you choose to leave them.

We process personal data about prospective, current and past learners, in some cases we hold information on their employers, and other individuals connected to our company and the services we provide. Examples include:

  • names, addresses, telephone numbers, e‐mail addresses and other contact details.
  • nationality.
  • qualifications, prior attainment examination and assessment results, attendance information and details of study, fee receipts, outstanding debts.
  • information about special educational needs.
  • education and employment data.
  • images, audio and video recordings for the purposes of the course or qualification.
  • limited financial information;
  • courses, meetings or events attended.

Who on our team has access?

Members of our team have access to the information you provide us. For example, both Administrators and Group Leaders can access:

  • Order information such as your enrolled courses, course progress and username / email address.
  • Any additional information added in your WordPress User Profile can also be visible to the administrator(s).

Why do we process or hold your data?

When you enrol with a training provider, you enter into a contractual agreement however on occasion we may require your consent to process your personal data. We hold personal data for the following reasons:

  • information we are required to collect by law or to claim funding;
  • information we need to deliver your chosen course of study and monitor progress;
  • information we need to confirm prior attainment;
  • additional information that will allow us to personalise our support to meet your individual needs;
  • information we use for marketing, communications, event registrations and advice;
  • Information required to match against appropriate apprenticeship opportunities

The first data protection principle requires that ATC Training Limited must have a legal basis for processing your personal data. Under GDPR, this “legal basis” for processing conditions must be communicated to you, alongside the type of processing they relate to, as part of this privacy notice. As GDPR is a new law, the conditions identified below may be subject to change as more guidance is given or precedents are set. We will process your data under the following legal basis:

  • Consent
  • Contract
  • Compliance with a legal obligation
  • Legitimate interest

Sharing your personal data

At no time will your personal data be passed to other organisations for marketing or sales purposes.

When you enrol at a training provider you enter into an agreement and are responsible for the payment of any fees, therefore if necessary, we may transfer your personal data to an agent for the purposes of debt collection. On occasion we may also be required to share your information with the police or other law enforcement agencies.

We may disclose your information to your employer for the purpose of fulfilling our contractual agreement in providing a training service. We only disclose information to employers that is relevant, such as completion of courses or any other information they would already have access to.

As an education institution that may receive public funding, we may be required to share personal data with awarding organisations, local and national government bodies and public sector agencies such as:

  • Department for Education (DfE)
  • Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills (BIS)
  • Ofsted
  • Department of Health (DH)/Primary Care Trusts (PCT)
  • Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
  • National Careers Service (NCS)

Raising a concern

If you are concerned about the processing of your data, or would like to request deletion of your personal data, please email info@.

Complaints to the Information Commissioner’s Office

Should you be dissatisfied with ATC Training’s processing of your personal data, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. For more information, please see the Information Commissioner’s website.  


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